√ Simplify your communication with clients
√ See how your clients feel and what drives their well-being
√ Increase your client engagement and retention
√ Advertise your events, group sessions and webinars
√ Bring your reputation and programs to a global level
√ Get connected with new potential clients
“RealifePortal has made a significant and positive impact on my coaching relationship with my clients.”
Carolyn Mahboubi ~ Professional Life Coach
“RealifePortal has been a true game-changer in my coaching practice and changed the way I keep in touch with my clients.”
Travis Barton ~ International Life & Business Coach
Become a listed coach or mentor and let RealifePortal find new clients for you! RealifePortal personally connects you to individuals looking for more guidance, by matching individual users’ life focus(es) or immediate concern(s) with your coaching niche and unique expertise.
Get selected to submit a coaching program – video or audio content – that will be featured in RealifePortal and contextually served up to a large and targeted audience.
Visualise your clients’ well-being, mood, and life impact at any time, and access this data from anywhere on your mobile, tablet, or personal computer.
Add your own private comments in preparation for your next meeting, call or session with your clients.
RealifePortal enables you to stay connected with your clients’ journey in real time. Interact online between coaching sessions with either one or several of your clients at a time through real-time or scheduled Suggestions from your “Coach | Mentor” RealifePortal. It only takes a few seconds and helps your clients stay on track to positive Well-being.
Note: Suggestions are sent to your clients directly in their “Personal” RealifePortal!
Encourage each client to take action towards their own Well-being. Get unprecedented insights into your clients’ Well-being drivers and visualise their engagement level in relation to your coaching. Prevent clients from moving away from your coaching by anticipating objections through action plans boosting their engagement, progression and results.
Factually measure your coaching efficiency across your client base. See to which extent your coaching is relevant and beneficial to them. Use your Well-being track record to grow your reputation, influence and reach.
The client writes directly to their coach or mentor via text or email in a classic question / answer model. The problem with this approach is that the client is dependent on the coach to answer, taking away any opportunity for their own self-reflection and growth.
In RealifePortal’s model, the coach or mentor acts like a guiding presence. This means the coach or mentor needs to only react when it is relevant to their client’s life events. The client benefits from the guidance they receive on top of being able to self-reflect for meaningful, long-term change!
Coachin’Up Your Clients connects directly with Coachin’Up Your Life to provide you with unprecedented data in helping your clients achieve positive Well-being.
Invite your clients to start using and benefiting from our free Coachin’Up Your Life App. Your clients can capture moments in their lives and get clarity around behavioural patterns that can help improve their Well-being.
Whenever your clients make notes, your Coachin’Up Your Clients App will update you in real-time. Make private comments against their notes, or send relevant suggestions to them. Your clients will receive your suggestions right in their Coachin’Up Your Life App!
Now you have the tools to react to your client’s life events, helping them through direct suggestions for improvement and providing better coaching with unprecedented insights into their Well-being drivers!
Our plans are totally flexible. No hidden fees. No lock-in contract.
Our “Referral Program” is a genuine approach where a professional Coach or Mentor recommends RealifePortal to their peers – other professional coaches or mentors – and promotes the benefits of using RealifePortal in their own practice.
You need to be a professional Coach or Mentor to be eligible to join our “Referral Program”. You also need to be an active user of RealifePortal as you need to regularly use RealifePortal to be able to genuinely recommend it to your peers.
With R E A L I F E P O R T A L®, you can avoid any disconnect between when you talk with them and their real life!
This is how RealifePortal
looks on the clients’ side… and how they see YOU!
Invite your clients to deeply interact with you in 3 easy steps!
Upon signing up for your Coachin’Up Your Clients App, you will be issued a Secure Access Code that you can share with your clients. This Secure Access Code is unique to you.
Once you have shared your Secure Access Code, your clients will be prompted to connect to their Coachin’Up Your Life App. From there, they can enable Life Data Sharing with you.
Once your clients enable Life Data Sharing in their Coachin’Up Your Life App, you will instantly be able to see their Life Data. You can maintain an ongoing dialogue and guide them towards real positive change!